(Co. Mayo)
"Be Still"
Statement of work - Caroline Hopkins 2003
"This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds. To watch the birth and death of being is like looking at movements of a dance. A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain" Sogyal Rinpoche- "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"
The performance entitled "Be Still" will be executed within the natural environment in the West of Ireland from 12. Noon - 9.00 PM, 27th September 2003. This piece is based upon the Eastern Philosophies of raising ones awareness, to altered states of consciousness through the silent act of meditation. Through the inner contemplation of ones own existence, this piece pushes the boundaries of Time and Space, allowing us to explore the present perception that Time is a linear progression as opposed to curved, cyclical or even random. Through focusing and stilling the conscious mind, the individual raises their awareness beyond the present limitation of the three dimensional reality. Therefore, connecting with the whole of humanity on a deeper physic and intuitive level. The concept of Art as a commodity is transcended through the ephemeral, transient action of in-action. Thus, expressing the spiritual and universal nature of pure Art.
Contact info: caro_hopkins@hotmail.com