Mi trabajo explorará un antiguo mito escandinavo: "el come-pecados", un ser existente en cada comunidad, y encargado de limpiar los pecados de las personas recién muertas; como parte del ritual, éste debía comer grandes festines junto al cadáver. En esta performance, por 9 horas, esperaré al público en una sala cerrada, y a razón de uno por vez intentaré despojarlos de lo que ellos consideran sus "pecados", y literalmente me "comeré los pecados" de quien quiera ofrecérmelos. Ayunaré 24 horas antes de comenzar el trabajo. En el trabajo estoy jugando con la doble lectura de la palabra "sin", que significa "pecado" en inglés, y la "cualidad de perder o no tener algo", en español. Los vivos, en este caso, entrarán con el siginificado en inglés del título y saldrán con su significado en español. Exploraré, además, el propio significado de mi relación uno a uno con el "otro", a través de lo íntimo, lo secreto, y escondido de los "pecados", y al mismo tiempo, obtendré una visión acerca de lo que "es pecado" en el siglo 21.
Alexander Del Re (Nacido en 1961 en Santiago, Chile), es educador y artista de performance desde 1993, ha presentado sus trabajos en Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, España, USA y Canadá; ha organizando muchos eventos en su país presentando a artistas locales e internacionales, entre ellos, "Performare", la primera muestra internacional de arte de Performance en Santiago, con artistas de USA, Ucrania, Suecia y Chile; ha participado en conferencias y otros eventos relacionados, tanto nacional como internacionalmente; publicando ensayos en revistas especializadas; es Editor en Jefe del boletín electrónico internacional de noticias de arte de performance, Perfonews. Su trabajo aparece en las revistas de arte "Dwukropek", Varsovia, Polonia, 2002, "The Archivist", Inglaterra, 2002, en "Teatteri", Helsinki, Finlandia, 2003, en "Inter", Québec, Canadá, 2003 y en "Lateral", Bracelona, España. Su ensayo "Confronta tu Icono", aparece en la reciente Antología de Performance en Latinoamérica, compilada por Josefina Alcazar, México D.F., México. La temática de sus trabajos ha girado desde investigaciones en torno a mitos urbanos hasta proyectos globales que cuestionan la naturaleza del ser "ciudadanos" en esta era, utilizando habitualmente instalaciones sonoras y elementos multimediales, así como su propio cuerpo. Actualmente colabora con Camila Schliebener en experimentos sonoros de performance en el dúo "Girls in a Cage". Algunas de sus documentaciones de performance han sido parte de colecciones y exhibiciones en Argentina, Brasil, USA, Yugoslavia, Finlandia y España. Su trabajo ha aparecido recientemente en el DVD documental "No Citizen", dirigido por Alvaro Robles; así como en el DVD de documentación del festival "eBent'02" en Barcelona, España. Fue curador y co-organizador de "Av-ant Perfo", primera muestra internacional de arte de Performance en Valparaíso, presentando a artistas de México, Polonia, España y Chile. En 2002, se ha presentado en el Festival Internacional de Performance "Currency 2002", en New York, USA, junto a artistas de otros 10 países. También se ha presentado en el festival eBent'02 de Barcelona, España. En 2003, ha presentado su trabajo en el Festival Internacional de Performance "Full Nelson 5", en Los Angeles, USA, junto a artistas de 9 países. Así mismo, ha presentado una performance virtual como parte del evento "Anti-war Anti-empire Cabaret", en el Encuentro organizado por el Instituto Hemisférico de Performance y Política de la Universidad de New York (NYU), en New York, USA. Fue curador y co-organizador de "Perfo Puerto", primer festival latinoamericano de arte de performance en Valparaiso, Chile, realizado en diciembre de 2002, presentando a 15 artistas de 7 países. Actualmente co-organiza "Perfo Puerto: Coalition", festival internacional de arte de performance en Valparaíso, Chile, en noviembre de 2003, con artistas de Escocia, Irlanda, USA y Chile
Sitios Web:
http://www.perfopuerto.org http://coalition.perfopuerto.org http://desarme.perfopuerto.org http://desolasol.perfopuerto.org
My work will explore an old scandinavian myth: "the sin-eater", a human being in every comunity, responsible for cleaning the sins of just dead people; as part of his ritual, he should eat huge amounts of food, next to the corpse. At the performance, for 9 hours, I'll be waiting for the audience in a closed room of the gallery, and one-by-one, I'll try to set them free from what they consider as "sins" for themselves, and literally I will "eat the sins" of those who bring them to me. I'll fast for 24 hours, prior to the work. At this performance I'm also playing with the double quality of the word "sin", which means in english "a wrong doing", but in spanish means "without". The alive, in this case, will enter the room with the english meaning of the title, and they will exit with the spanish meaning. I will explore, as well, the particular meaning of my relationship with the "other", dealing with the intimate, secret, and hidden nature of their "sins", and besides, taking an insight into what "is a sin" in this century.
Alexander Del Re (Born in 1961 in Santiago, Chile), a long-time scholar of Performance Art history, he started as a performance artist in 1993, and since then he has performed in Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Spain, USA and Canada. He performed at the IX Performance Art Festival in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1996. He teaches Performance Art in several universities in his country, lecturing regularly in different universities and museums. In 1997 he curated the first international Performance Art event ever to happen in Chile, "Performare", which featured artists from Sweden, Chile, USA and Ukraine. He has organized the events "Valparisombras", 1999, Valparaiso, Chile, "13@Y2K", 2000, Valparaiso, Chile, and "Audible", 2001, Vina del Mar, Chile, including the work of several younger generation performance artists from his country, as well as former students from Bolivia and Canada. He has published the article "Departing the Nation: Illusion as Art", in "Performance Research" magazine, "Departures" issue, 2001, London, U.K. He was also featured in "Dwukropek", an art magazine in Warsaw, Poland, as well as in "The Archivist", an online art magazine, U.K.; and in the art magazines "Teatteri", Helsinki, Finland; "Inter", Quebec, Canada and "Lateral", Barcelona, Spain. His essay "Confronta tu Icono" ("Confront your Icon"), is included in the recent Antology of Latin American Performance, compiled by Josefina Alcazar, Mexico D.F., Mexico. He is founding Editor of the e-newsletter "Perfonews", delivered to 62 countries worldwide. He recently curated and organized "Av-ant Perfo" in Valparaiso, Chile, featuring performers from Mexico, Spain, Poland and Chile, in April 2002. Currently he collaborates with Camila Schliebener in sound performance experiments of the duo "Girls in a Cage", publishing under the independent label Bad Format Records, producing audio material for performances and films. Some of his performance documentation has been included in exhibitions and collections in Argentina, Brazil, the U.S., Spain, Finland and the former Yugoslavia. His work is featured in the documentary "No Citizen", directed by Alvaro Robles; as well at the "eBent'02" performance festival documentation DVD, in Barcelona, Spain. In 2002, he has performed at "Currency 2002" international performance festival, in New York, U.S. He also has performed at "eBent 02" performance festival in Barcelona, Spain. In 2003, he has performed at "Full Nelson 5" performance art festival, in Los Angeles, USA; as well as performing a webcast at the "Anti-war Anti-empire Cabaret", as part of the Meeting organized by the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics of the University of New York (NYU), in New York, USA. He is also curator and organizer of the performance art festival "Perfo Puerto", in Valparaiso, Chile; which in December 2002, featured 15 performance artists from 7 countries of Latin America and Spain. "Perfo Puerto" in 2003 will host "Coalition", a performance festival including the work of artists from the U.S. and U.K., along with young chilean performance artists
http://www.perfopuerto.org http://coalition.perfopuerto.org http://desarme.perfopuerto.org http://desolasol.perfopuerto.org
"Machines of loving grace", Full Nelson 5, International Performance Art Festival, Los Angeles, USA, 2003